Caca and Daniel in Fradaismus Apparel (Dimas Faro)

Caca and Daniel in Fradaismus Apparel (Dimas Faro)

Caca wearing the 1-800-Frada T-shirt (Dimas Faro)

Daniel Mos wearing the Fradaismus T-Shirt (Dimas Faro)
what is fradaismus?
Introducing a new core team, PPI Frada was able to rebuild themselves and with great success and engagement. To commemorate what is essentially a new beginning, the group wanted to update their merchandising to something much more appealing and contemporary.
Inspired by the many -isms in the art world, Fradaismus was created to symbolise the renaissance of PPI Frada. Taking different forms of inspiration from art movements, old and new, Fradaismus was developed to pique the interest of potential new members as well as re-invigorate the team spirit of existing members. Many of the designs are inspired by iconic elements found in the Frankfurt, Germany area as well as slogans and imagery that are often associated with the organisation.

Daniel in Fradaismus Apparel (Dimas Faro)

Caca and Daniel in Fradaismus Apparel (Dimas Faro)

Caca in Fradaismus Apparel (Dimas Faro)
Lead Designer: Putri Gusti
Design Team: Putri Gusti, Dimas Faro, and Rafaela
Photographer: Dimas Faro and Putri Gusti
Models: Daniel Mos and Caca Hardijono
Stylist: Nadya Athaya
Logistics: Rafaela

Caca carrying the Frada Totebag (Putri Gusti)

Front of the premium t-shirt worn by Cca (Putri Gusti)

Back of the premium t-shirt worn by Cca (Putri Gusti)

Front of the Fradaismus t-shirt worn by Cca (Putri Gusti)

Back of the Fradaismus t-shirt worn by Cca (Putri Gusti)

Front of the 1-800-Frada t-shirt worn by Cca (Putri Gusti)

Back of the 1-800-Frada t-shirt worn by Cca (Putri Gusti)

Caca wearing the premium t-shirt (Putri Gusti)

Caca wearing the premium t-shirt (Putri Gusti)